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cohort study

Eine Kohortenstudie ist ein beobachtendes Studiendesign der Epidemiologie mit dem Ziel, .... David A. Grimes, Kenneth F. Schulz: Cohort studies: marching towards outcomes. In: Lancet. 359, 2002, S. 341–345, online (PDF; 203 KB) (Memento ...

The Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) is an ongoing multi-centre research project dealing with HIV infected adults aged 16years or older.
Die Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (STCS) hat sich als Instrument der Forschung und des Reportings in der Transplantationsforschung in der Schweiz etabliert.
Kohortenstudie. Englisch: cohort study. 1 Definition. Bei einer Kohortenstudie handelt es sich um eine prospektive oder retrospektive Längsschnittstudie, bei der ...
Swiss HIV Cohort Study. Informationen über die Schweizerische HIV Kohortenstudie (deutsch) · Informationen über die Schweizerische HIV Kohortenstudie ...
Seit Mai 2008 arbeitet die Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (STCS) als zentrales System zur systematischen Erfassung und Nachbeobachtung aller Patienten, die ...
Im Rahmen der Swiss IBD Cohort Study untersuchen wir schweizweit, welche Faktoren eine entzündliche Darmerkrankung auslösen und ...
Many translated example sentences containing "cohort study" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations.
Schweizer IBD Kohorte: Mitmachen zählt. Falls Sie selber Patient sind und an Morbus Crohn oder Colitis ulcerosa erkrankt sind, möchten wir Sie motivieren, ...
Sie ist einer optimalen Be- treuung der Patientinnen und Patienten sowie einer exzellenten. Forschungstätigkeit verpflichtet. SWISS. HIV. COHORT. STUDY.
Das Hepatitis C Virus wurde im Jahr 1989 entdeckt. Die chronische Virusinfektion betrifft ca. 80'000 Personen in der Schweiz. Die Infektion kann über ...
Projektname Swiss Transplant Cohort Study. Subprojekte STCS PSIG - Die «Psychosocial Interest Group» (PSIG) der «Swiss Transplant Cohort Study»: Ein ...
Swiss Spinal Cord Injury Cohort Study - SwiSCI - is a comprehensive cohort study for persons with spinal cord injuries (SCI) in Switzerland, funded by Swiss ...
Increases in Condomless Sex in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. ... In this study, we assess the long-term changes (2000-2013) of the occurrence of condomless ...
Swiss Spinal Cord Injury Cohort Study (SwiSCI) is the largest study for persons with spinal cord injuries (SCI) in Switzerland. The study investigates their life ...
SAPALDIA – Swiss Cohort Study on Air. Pollution and Lung and Heart Diseases in. Adults. In der epidemiologischen Langzeitstudie SAPALDIA, welche vom ...
Synonyme: Follow-up Study, Longitudinal Study, Kohortenstudie, Längsschnitt-Studie, ... Synonym: Retrospective Cohort Study, Historische Kohortenstudie, ...
... Rauchfreien Arbeitsplätzen auf das Gastronomiepersonal (COSIBAR: Cohort Study on Smoke-Free Interventions in Bars and Restaurants).
Übersetzung im Kontext von „cohort study'“ in Englisch-Deutsch von Reverso Context: At the same time it launched a wide-ranging 'retrospective cohort study' of ...
Banz Vanessa, Universitätsspital Insel Bern. Binet Isabelle, Kantonsspital St. Gallen. Dickenmann Michael, Universitätsspital Basel (USB). Garzoni Christian ...
[Strategies for Recruiting Women with Migration History Using the Example of The BaBi-Birth Cohort Study]. [Article in German; Abstract ...
Complications of Coronary Syndrome and Stroke in Cohort Study. Article · January 2015 ... Discover more publications, questions and projects in Cohort Studies ...
Menschen, die sich mit dem HI-Virus angesteckt haben, können heute wirksam behandelt werden. Eine Heilung der AIDS-Erkrankung ist bisher indes nicht ...
Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für cohort study im Online-Wörterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwörterbuch).
Im Jahr 2001 haben Vertreter von fünf HIV-Behandlungszentren (AKH Wien, Otto-Wagner-Spital Wien, AKH Linz, LKH Innsbruck and LKH Graz West) die ...
Im Rahmen der Kohortenstudie (Swiss Austrian German Testicular Cancer Cohort Study) ist die Erfassung möglichst vieler Patienten mit Hodenkrebs in ...
The societal definition of crime is eroding. As a consequence of this secular process the focus of interest among criminologists and the agents of the criminal ...
Ergebnisse der Swiss HIV Cohort Study. ... NICER Data Completeness Study ... Swiss National Cohort and the National Institute for Cancer Epidemiology and ...
Cohort Profile Update: The Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort Study (SIBDCS).
Childhood socioeconomic circumstances and disability trajectories in older men and women: a European cohort study ...
... Erythematodes – die «Swiss SLE Cohort Study (SSCS)». Marten Trendelenburg, Camillo Ribi. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4414/smf.2013.01532
Medizinische Universitäts-Kinderklinik Bern. Koordinatorin AG DSD SGPED und ESPE. CH Vertreterin COST Action DSDnet. PI Swiss DSD Cohort Study ...
unimedsuisse bildet die Trägerschaft der Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (STCS). Dieses nationale Studienregister wird durch den Nationalfonds, die Mitglieder ...
In 2006, several Swiss investigators from different disciplines decided to launch a prospective multicenter cohort project, the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study ...
Case-Cohort Studies: An Effective Design for the Investigation of Biomarkers as Risk Factors for Chronic Diseases - Demonstrated by the ...
EPI- CT : European cohort study of cancer risk after paediatric computed tomography. epi-ct. Die Langzeitrisiken für die Entwicklung strahleninduzierter ...
To date, this is the largest cohort study on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in China, especially on the multi-omics proteogenomic analysis of ...
observational study habe ich im Internet als Beobachtungsstudie gefunden, aber wie würdet ihr observational cohort study übersetzen?
In a prospective cohort study, groups of people are identified before they show signs of disease and followed up over time.
We investigated the cardiovascular mortality of German cockpit crew in a retrospective cohort study. A cohort that included all cockpit crew employed for two ...
zum Substanzkonsum. Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors. Home · Studienbeschreibung · Studienverlauf · Ergebnisse · Forschung · Publikationen ...
In a pharmaceutical cohort study the effect of drug exposure on the occurrence of adverse events and illnesses is examined. For this purpose, either the ...
In der Schweizerischen Transplantations-Kohortenstudie Swiss Transplant Cohort Study werden in allen Schweizer Transplantationszentren seit dem ...
KOGNITO - A Phase IV Open-Label, Single-Cohort Study of the Long-Term Neurocognitive Outcomes in 4 to 5 Year-Old Children with Phenylketonuria Treated ...
Die Schweizerische Transplantierten Kohortenstudie (Swiss Transplant Cohort Study - STCS) wurde im Jahr 2008 gegründet. Die STCS ist eine ständig ...
SwissIBD (inflammatory bowel disease) cohort study · Swiss Cohort Study on Primary Biliary Cholangitis Cohort Study · Swiss Cohort Study on Primary ...
Häusler N, Haba-Rubio J, Heinzer R, et al. Association of napping with incident cardiovascular events in a prospective cohort study. Heart 2019 ...
The objective of the study was to examine the association between biopsychosocial factors and developmental trajectories of childhood urinary ...
SWISS AF – Swiss Atrial Fibrillation Cohort Study. 2014 – laufend. Prof. David Conen, Finanzierung: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds ...
The MS cohort study is a long-term study which aims at identifying new biomarkers. Biosamples collected may be available for future research projects.
Abstract. The lidA Cohort Study (German Cohort Study on Work, Age, Health and Work Participation) was set up to investigate and follow the ...
Statistical Methods in Cancer Research: The Design And Analysis of Cohort Studies (Iarc Scientific Publications, Band 82) | N. E. Breslow, N. E. Day | ISBN: ...
Types of data sharing. > From a person. > Via study website. — Often large and long running cohort studies. — E.g. Danish National Birth ...
Übersetzung für 'cohort studies' im kostenlosen Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch und viele weitere Deutsch-Übersetzungen.
Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study. (SCCS). Patienten mit HCV bei angeborener Blutungsneigung (Un- tergruppe der SCCS). SeProV. Venöse.
phd, biostatistics, epidemiology, research, atrial, fibrillation, cohort, swiss-af, ebpi, science, competencies, longitudinal, healthcare, ...
Kottke R, Pichler Hefti J, Rummel C, Hauf M, Hefti U, Merz TM. Morphological Brain Changes after Climbing to Extreme Altitudes--A Prospective Cohort Study.
Swiss Epigenetic Colorectal Cancer Cohort Study. SWEPIC Studie Früherkennung Darmkrebs. Im Rahmen der SWEPIC Studie soll das ...
A cohort study of sciatic pain and measures of internal spinal load in professional drivers. Der gesamte Artikel kann in englischer Sprache von der Internetseite ...
Die Basisdaten für diese prospektive Kohortenstudie wurden 1971 gesammelt - 1975 zum ersten National Health and Nutrition Examination Study (NHANES I) ...
In der pädiatrischen Gastroenterologie ist in der Swiss Pediatric IBD Cohort Study (www.ibdcohort.ch). Im Rahmen der Swiss IBD Cohort Study untersuchen wir ...
Cohort study on the effects of radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure in everyday life on non-specific symptoms of ill health. Mendeley · CSV · RIS ...
Multicare cohort study - patterns of multi-morbidity in primary health care ... Eight study centers distributed across Germany (Bonn, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt/Main, ...
Kurzfassung, Es handelt sich nicht um eine Interventions- sondern um eine Beobachtungsstudie, deren Ziel es ist die Versor-gungsqualität von Patienten mit ...
Kurzfassung, Research project in which biological material is sampled from humans and health-related personal data is collected for research. Projektpartner ...
... Franzen D., Cistulli P. A., Rohrbach M., Kohler M., 2016, Obstructive sleep apnoea and quality of life in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: a parallel cohort study.
"The study 'lidA - leben in der Arbeit. German cohort study on work, age and health' was a two-wave panel study funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and ...
Corrigendum to “Borderline tumours of the ovary: A cohort study of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft. Gynäkologische Onkologie AGO Study Group”. [Eur J Cancer 49 ...
Grundies, V. (1998). The Freiburg Cohort Study. In H.-J. Albrecht & H. Kury, Research on crime and criminal justice at the Max Planck Institute : Summaries (pp.
Title: The predisposing and precipitating risk factors for delirium in neurosurgery : a prospective cohort study of 949 patients. Authors : Zipser, Carl Moritz
KLINISCHE STUDIE: Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort Study (SIBDCS). Multizentrische Beobachtungsstudie in der ganzen Schweiz (Basel, Bern, ...
A Prospective Cohort Study of Adolescents' Memory Performance and Individual Brain Dose of Microwave Radiation from Wireless Communication, published ...
Individual randomised controlled trials (with narrow confidence interval). Individual inception cohort study with > 80% follow-up; clinical decision rule validated in ...
Physical activity and outcomes in colorectal surgery: A prospective cohort study using connected bracelets. D. Martin, B. Romain, B. Pache, A. Vuagniaux, ...
Survival analysis based on current durations and prevalent cohort studies is now well-established as long as all covariates are observed.
There are no data available about characteristics of IIP patients, specifically IPF patients, living in Switzerland. Hence we want to establish a meticulously…
The comparative effectiveness of NRTI-sparing dual regimens in emulated trials using observational data from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study Young J, Scherrer AU ...
Unter dem Namen «Association of the Swiss SLE Cohort Study (ASSCS)» (übersetzt etwa so: Verein Schweizerische Kohortenstudie für Systemischen Lupus ...
Zufferey P., Ziswiler HR, A. et al: Can Ultrasound Be Used to Predict Loss of Remission in Patients with RA in a Real-life Setting? A Multicenter Cohort Study.
The ProgStar Study was an international multicenter prospective cohort study at nine centers in the United States, United Kingdom, and ...
The structure and complexity of the monitoring was developed based on the monitoring in clinical trials and applied to an epidemiological cohort study on early ...
Motor performance of children and adolescents in Germany: A 6‑year cohort study within the framework of the “Motorik-Modul” (MoMo) [Motorische ...
The study “lidA – leben in der Arbeit. German cohort study on work, age and health” was a two wave panel study funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and ...
Exposure to road traffic noise and behavioral problems in 7-year-old children: a cohort study. In der Studie zeigte sich, dass im Zusammenhang mit der ...
Research in Practice ... Thanks to our research projects and publications, we are able to constantly evaluate, further ... Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study (SCCS).
Quantitative and qualitative health research, including pragmatic randomized controlled trials, prospective cohort studies, systematic reviews, indepth ...
KORA is a population-based adult cohort study in the Region of Augsburg, Southern Germany, that was initiated in 1984. KORA is a research platform operated ...
The ALL Age Asthma Cohort (ALLIANCE) of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL) is a prospective, multi-center, observational cohort ...
The counterpart of case-control studies are cohort studies (› Fig. 11.5 and example 7). These are mostly prospective studies. In a cohort study a large group of ...
(2009) Adiposity and weight change in mid-life in relation to healthy survivalafter age 70 in women: prospective cohort study. BMJ 339:b3796 Sun Qi, ...
(2013) Risk of hospitalization or death from ischemic heart disease among British vegetariansand nonvegetarians: results from the EPIC-Oxford cohort study.
The present study was based on an ongoing cohort study in Heidelberg, Germany – a part of the European Prospective Investigation into ...
BackgroundThis nationwide population‐based cohort study evaluated the risk of and risk factors for suicide attempt in poststroke patients in ...
Studie: Nitrate in drinking water and colorectal cancer risk: A nationwide population‐based cohort study. Podcast: WDR 5 Westblick vom 21.06.
The paper provides an overview of a German cohort study of newborns which includes a representative sample of about 3500 infants and their ...
“Radiation exposure from CT scans in childhood and subsequent risk of leukaemia and brain tumours: a retrospective cohort study”. Die jetzt ...
Ärzte, Lauterbach und Golfen NOZ; Golf habits among physicians and surgeons: observational cohort study BMJ · Bild Doctors on the course.
Choi KW et al., Physical activity offsets genetic risk for incident depression assessed via electronic health records in a biobank cohort study.
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